TL;DR: A short missive about how perfectionism and fear were holding me back from launching new offerings I’d created.
Leaning into my lamplighters, I realized I was holding myself back and decided to announce my online programs, workshops, keynotes, and group coaching! I’m also encouraging you to stop waiting and take action today on your dreams.
“What are you waiting for?” This was the question Tony posed to me. We were talking about the timing for launching a variety of new offerings that I’ve been working on. You can probably imagine some of my responses:
- I haven’t put the finishing touches on a few of the pieces;
- I need to perfect the product pages for each of these;
- The marketing message for each of these needs to be refined;
- I haven’t created a social media strategy yet;
- And so on and so on.
The more I spoke and watched the look on Tony’s face, the more I knew what I was doing. I was creating my own obstacles. I was afraid of putting myself out there so I was allowing my old scripts – the ones that told me I wasn’t smart enough, or good enough – to hijack me. There is an old adage that you teach what you most need to learn! I TEACH THIS! But, here’s the thing, when you’re getting ready to level up, you will stir up all kinds of resistance. And this is where having lamplighters is critical. Tony knows my vision. He’s been beside me on this journey. And so when this fear came bubbling up he was able to hold up the mirror for me to help me see that that old script was just that – old and outdated.
I started Dragonfly Coaching so that I could help ambitious professionals who are successful by external standards but feel miserable to recalibrate what success means to them— and to begin moving in that direction. Over the past 6 years, I have been humbled and honored to see the impact this work has had on those that I’ve had the privilege of coaching. I’ve also become acutely aware of the fact that there are many more people looking to do this work who either don’t need or cannot afford one-on-one coaching.
It has always been my intention to meet people where they are and give them what they need in order to see them making progress toward their vision of success and fulfillment. But, it is also important to me that whatever I offer will be able to fulfill that promise. So, I probably have taken a bit longer to create the content than I needed to and I’m okay with that. But the content is done. What I’ve been fretting over is the marketing.
So, what am I waiting for? NOTHING! I am excited for you to be the first to know that I am launching online programs and courses, half-day workshops, hour-long keynotes, and flight crews (group coaching). If you’re interested in hearing more about any of these, just reply to this note.
Thank you for being a member of my community and for your continued support.
Before you go, a question for you…
What’s your big dream?
What are you waiting for???
I’m here to cheer you on as you make it happen.
With gratitude,