Products & Services

Self-Directed Program - From SORE to SOAR: Charting the course toward greater success and fulfillment

In this eight-week, self-led, online program, you will

* Gain clarity on your vision for your career and life,

* Understand what’s gotten in your way and how to not let that stop you,

* Activate your network to support your achieving your vision, and,

* Craft and implement a plan that will see you measuring and monitoring your progress toward your vision.


795.00 USD

Discover Your Destination

The objective of this module is to help you get clear on the life that you’re longing for and why that’s important to you.

At the end of this module, you will have a clear, compelling articulation of what success and fulfillment means to you.

150.00 USD

Develop a Growth Mindset

The objective of this module is to identify the environmental factors and internal mindsets that are holding you back and, to see them as a gift that can propel you forward.

As a result of this module, you will gain an understanding of the impact of beliefs and self-talk, an appreciation for feedback, and a reframing of how you see setbacks.

150.00 USD

Build Your Support Network

The objectives of this module are to help you understand the importance of a support network, to begin building yours, and to identify the resources you need at this moment in your journey and how to acquire them.

As a result of this module, you will have a list of people and resources needed to achieve your vision, and an awareness of how to leverage your network with your vision in mind.


150.00 USD

Develop Your Plan to SOAR

The objective of this module is to clarify the gap between where you are and where you want to be and to begin mapping out the path forward.

As a result of this module, you will have a strong draft of your 1st 90-day objectives and key results and an understanding of how these will see you making progress toward your vision.

150.00 USD

Starting to SOAR

This module is focused on the processes and practices that will see you making steady effort toward your vision. 

At the end of this module, you will begin experimenting with various prioritization techniques and time management tools to identify those that work for you and that you'll be able to incorporate into your routine. 

150.00 USD

Staying the Course - Making Progress Amidst Everyday Realities

The objective of this module is to create a more integrated life that reflects your vision and values.

As a result of this module, you will have experienced a process for analyzing your schedule to ensure it reflects your vision and values and learned how to engage your lamplighters to support you in this effort.

150.00 USD